Consulting with People at the heart
Since 1977
Siamo convinti che il cambiamento generazionale e organizzativo debba essere considerato e gestito come uno stato continuo, un processo ininterrotto e costante, e non come un momento specifico nella vita delle organizzazioni, puntuale, a cui dare risposte contingenti.
Favoriamo i processi di cambiamento gestendoli come un flusso continuo attraverso le interpretazioni, le resistenze ed i vissuti delle aziende e delle persone che le compongono. Per questo motivo possiamo essere il partner più indicato per supportare e accompagnare al meglio il cambio generazionale in azienda.
Supportiamo i nostri clienti nelle delicate fasi del passaggio generazionale nelle imprese familiari e non, attraverso una attenta e strutturata metodologia di analisi interna ed esterna così come nelle sfide organizzative e culturali tipiche di questo momento di cambiamento.
We offer, through our network of senior consultants, fractional management services: the fractional manager is a senior manager who works part-time (for instance, one or two days a week) on different clients at the same time. For small-mid size companies, the added value is to bring in, at affordable costs, high level competencies that guarantee an "external and experienced" impact on strategic decisions. This, combined with the managerial capability in the day-by-day activities brings the fractional manager much closer to managerial roles than to consultancy ones.
In light of the constant changes, both internal and external to the company, we believe that understanding the level of people engagement - and people satisfaction - is crucial to better manage any modern organization.
At the same time, understanding how much people are "actively involved" without fully grasping the dimensions that can impact the level of engagement can be of limited value.
The model we use in our engagement surveys measures the macro-dimensions that impact the level of people engagement within the company and it identifies the corrective actions that can be implemented to improve the comittment and engagement of personnel.