Head Hunting

We identify and select the best candidates for our clients’ needs

Agenzia di Executive Search

Consulting with People at the heart

Since 1977

We search for the best candidates through meticulous investigation and direct verification, selecting them for our client companies using a rigorous process and a variety of tools::headhunting has been our core business since the day we were founded.

We treat every search as unique and listen carefully to the requests and needs of the client. We actively listen to make sure we share one of our most significant values: trust.

Our experience is proven and successful in many business sectors; we provide each project with a research team consisting of a consultant and a researcher, chosen for their competencies, experience and specific knowledge of the relevant industry.


Our process begins with in-depth briefings with the client in order to understand their needs and objectives. The process goes through different steps of market analysis, head hunting, selection and hiring, before ending with the right candidate entering the company.


- Client briefing
- Identification of companies in scope
- Market analysis
- Identification of companies in scope
- Market analysis
Direction Arrows

Head Hunting

- Direct search
- Organizational mapping
- Total remuneration analysis
Direction Arrows


- Individual interviews
- Testing
- Candidates profiling
- Short-list presentation
Direction Arrows


- Interview with the company
- Feedback from the company
- Negotiation support
- Offer to the candidate
Direction Arrows


- Client briefing
- Identification of companies in scope
- Market analysis
- Identification of companies in scope
- Market analysis

Head Hunting

- Direct search
- Organizational mapping
- Total remuneration analysis


- Individual interviews
- Testing
- Candidates profiling
- Short-list presentation


- Interview with the company
- Feedback from the company
- Negotiation support
- Offer to the candidate


Briefing con cliente – Definizione aziende target – Analisi mercato


Ricerca diretta – Mappatura Organizzativa – Analisi retributiva


Colloqui individuali – Testing – Profilo candidati – Presentazione short-list


Colloquio in azienda – Feedback dall’azienda – Supporto negoziale – Offerta al candidato

Alti Profili Manageriali


We search for candidates, both at national and international level, in order to adequately fill the executive, management and professional positions.

The headhunting methodology we use and the network we can rely on, refined over more than 40 years of experience in this field, allow us to be effective and timely in identifying and assessing of high-profile or high-potential candidates, for roles of Senior Management, Middle Management, Key Position.