Corporate Roles

Organizational Mapping – Mapping organizational structures

Mappatura Strutture Organizzative

Consulting with People at the heart

Since 1977

An organizational chart with a clear visual representation of hierarchical relationships, a comprehensive list, and precise definitions of roles within the company (company positions and their respective duties), are essential for the efficiency and optimal functioning of any organization

Thanks to our search methodology and our knowledge of the market, we are able to provide our clients with mapping services of business roles and organizational structures of different companies in many industries.

Through an accurate work of intelligence and through the network we have established over time, we are able to provide our clients with important information, benchmarking and comparative studies between their organizational structure and other companies’ ones, and with possible differentiations by industry, company size, geographic location.

These analyses are particularly useful, before making key decisions, during phases of reorganization and change, during the launch of new enterprises or businesses, whilst entering into different markets or countries. They are very useful to clients who are seeking in-depth and up to date information on the “state of the art” or how the most successful companies have been organized.

For a clear and well-defined mapping of corporate roles and functions, contact now MCS!