Consulting with People at the heart
HR Management Since 1977
Managing human resources effectively and efficiently is a decisive strategic aspect for a company's economy and growth.
The division Human Capital Management aims to support Organizations in defining a People Strategy consistent with company's strategies as well as in achieving optimal effectiveness of Human Capital management processes through their constant alignment with the company culture and current and future business challenges.
We intervene, in close and constant collaboration with companies, in order to analyze, verify, and, where necessary, implement or reshape Human Capital management processesalso in light of important benchmark and national and international collaborations.
For human resources management in your organization, rely on HR consultants of MCS!
It is increasingly important for any company to identify, on the basis of the defined business strategy, their own people strategy to streamline supply and demand for roles and competencies, both current and future ones. This enables them to find the best solutions to cover any workforce gaps in terms of quality, quantity, timing and location.
Often, the findings arising from Strategic Workforce Planning interventions suggest, as part of the company's action plan, a revision or an alignment of internal Human Capital processes.
So, if you need to organize human resources in your enterprise, turn to a reliable and experienced partner!

Based on the companies’ specific needs, and after a careful analysis in close collaboration with the client, we offer analysis and review services of the key Human Capital processes, reshaping them in line with the people strategy and the company’s current and future needs in the areas of:
Employer Branding – Talent Acquisition – Talent Pooling – Talent & Organizational Development – Succession & Career Planning.
For human resources management in your company, rely on an excellent partner: contact us!!